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view post Posted on 24/4/2020, 11:00


Bologna, IT


Domenica 12 aprile 2020, Luminor (Lars Falkowski) è venuto a mancare.

Quella che inizialmente sembrava essere una fake news si è rivelata realtà quando, sulla pagina Facebook dell’ex collega Strify, la madre del nostro Luminor ha confermato il decesso.

Nel ricordo di quest’uomo e della sua profonda sensibilità, esprimiamo le nostre più sentite condoglianze alla sua famiglia.

Lo ricorderemo sempre per aver fatto parte – seppur brevemente – della vita e delle passioni di tutti noi. Grazie.

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Dear Cinema Bizarre Fans, Throughout the last days I have received countless comments and messages regarding the rumours of the passing of one of our founding members, Luminor. I can neither verify nor deny the information that I also found out about through the internet. In the past there have been rumours and false stories several times that proofed to be false. Therefore, I hope you understand the certain sense of suspicion me and the other band members seem to share. Screenshots of the news have been sent to me that seem to be fake or maybe just translated, but have definitely been edited and the wording of it seems off. The original posting is nowhere to be found and the person has not yet responded to questions regarding the authenticity of the news. Still, I am saddened by this tragic news and if true, may his soul rest in peace. Strify 🪐

Un post condiviso da STRIFY (@strify) in data: <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2020-04-23T10:19:26+00:00">23 Apr 2020 alle ore 3:19 PDT</time>

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Edited by seeyouleta - 1/5/2020, 10:36
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